CNS Ayurveda Chikitsalayam

Embrace the healing power of Ayurveda and secure a lifetime of health and happiness at CNS Ayurveda Chikitsalayam, the world's pioneering ISO Certified Ayurveda Pediatric Hospital. Rooted in centuries of tradition, we believe in Ayurveda's remarkable potential. Founded by the late Shri Chatharu Nair over a century ago, our hospital's treatment methods have garnered global recognition. With a specialization in Pediatrics, we've rekindled smiles on countless children's faces - a reward that fuels our unwavering commitment. Our legacy reveres Ayurveda in its purest form, keeping this ancient wisdom alive.

On the journey to complete healing, God and Chatharu Nair shared equal roles, as the saying went about our mentor. His legendary Ayurvedic knowledge birthed life-saving remedies that have either granted renewed vitality or enriched the lives of thousands. This cherished legacy is now upheld by Chatharu Nair's protégé, Vaidyan Gangadharan Nair. He has triumphantly treated cases where modern medicine fell short, and this legacy persists through his son, Dr. Manikandan.

OUR HERITAGE Ayurveda, the planet's oldest and most holistic medical system, was bestowed upon humanity by ancient sages and seers over 5000 years ago. 'Ayurveda' stems from 'Ayus' meaning life and 'Veda' meaning knowledge in Sanskrit. Thus, Ayurveda translates to the "Science of Life." Our founder's profound Ayurvedic expertise bore life-saving medicines that reinvigorated lives or improved thousands more. Vaidyan Gangadharan Nair, Chatharu Nair's disciple, continues this time-honored lineage. Vaidyan Gangadharan Nair has masterfully treated cases unresponsive to modern medicine. Many medicines prescribed and employed in our hospital are recognized by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, complying with CS (MA) Rules.